January 27, 2009

Spelling trouble for business

Don't send me your resumé with a speling error in it - it'll go strait into the bin!
It seems that in these days of SMS messaging many people have become increasingly careless about correct spelling and punctuation. A simple thing such as proofreading material for publication is clearly too time consuming for some. Lately I've seen glaring errors in newspapers, magazines, advertisements and especially emails.

Professional people who have not taken the care to ensure that their communications are carefully checked show a disregard that I fear is a reflection of their business dealings. If their attention to punctuation and other details is so poor, how can I trust them to do the job correctly? It would probably be rushed and perfunctory with no attention to detail. I would even prefer not to trade with this person.

Professional writers make mistakes and overlook the odd typo, but it's a simple thing to take the time to re-read and edit your writing. If not, then you could be missing out on customers.

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