March 18, 2008

WWF starts WW3

Does controversial advertising pay off?
A recent campaign by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) aiming to help protection of endangered species, used a heavy-handed demonstration in which animal killing was role reversed.

In an underground passageway in Beijing eight posters were hung depicting endangered animals aiming weapons at the viewer. Mounted in the picture behind the barrel of the weapon was a small laser. When a viewer walked within a certain range of the laser it would set off speakers sounding automatic gunfire.

With over 9,000 passers-by walking through the tunnel every day, the gunfire panicked so many people that they had to remove all the posters after the first day.

The question is, with only one day of exposure and the angst created, was it worth it?

Sure, we know about it now because of the unique delivery of the campaign and images of the posters have been broadcast on several websites. But what was the direct result of panicking all those people?

It turns out only 57 people signed up that day to support WWF. As one news commentator on put it, “maybe they would have had the same result just using the promo boys...”.

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