March 09, 2008

Mobile phone tattoo powered by blood

Bloody phone!
Mobile phones are great but they could be more convenient. What if you didn't have to carry one with you all the time, or have to keep charging it? What if you had a working phone that was powered by pizza and literally always at your fingertips? Sound ridiculous?

New technology now allows for a Bluetooth device to be permanently implanted beneath the skin and just above the muscle layer. Just push a small dot on your arm and the display appears allowing you to communicate wirelessly using the device.

Two small tubes are attached from the implanted device to an artery and a vein. A coin sized blood fuel cell in the implant converts the blood's glucose and oxygen from the artery to the electricity required to power the device. Used blood returns through to the vein. The digital device's power source is the same as for all of the biological components in the body.

There are also numerous other uses for this unique idea - health self diagnosis, warning beeps when you're over the blood alcohol limit etc. Check out:

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