February 17, 2008

The Design Challenge

A contemporary simplicity of style that is disciplined and entirely appropriate.
While it's nice for advertising designers to remain conscious of contemporary design techniques, they should never treat their client's corporate communications as a means to impress their fellow design enthusiasts.

When designing and producing branding packages, from logo designs through to annual reports, advertising agency designers, as opposed to design house designers, tend to be more focused on the ideas that the client wants to express. These ideas are likely to be concerned with the company's bottom line. While this thinking doesn't (or shouldn't) rule out creative design ideas it certainly will rule out ideas that do nothing to enhance the brand. This illustrates the difference in thinking between a design house and an advertising agency.

Typography, layout and powerful visual communication are vital, but only as tools to create the client's most appropriate outcome according to the brief and budget. The best corporate communications enhance the professionalism and service of the client while complementing their core values, thus providing a foundation for a strong brand positioning.

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