February 17, 2008

Inside Reliance Petroleum

Our recent interior branding package for an entire building
Last year our client, Reliance Petroleum, expanded and merged with numerous companies around the nation to become the largest Australian distributor of BP products.

While Reliance is one of Australia's largest publicly listed companies with a turnover to match David Jones, it is unknown to most Australians. Reliance purchase oils and petroleum products from BP and manage the rest: the franchise owners of the servos, numerous depots, shop products and the food offer, and the delivery of products to regional areas. They are also the sole Australian distributors of Castrol products.

During last year's massive restructure and growth a new building was acquired in Hawthorn, Melbourne and we were asked to bring some life to the interior design of the offices.

To begin, we created illustrations based on rough photography of the building while it was being fitted. Once the general concept was approved we then proceeded to create individual digital printing to suit.

We also needed to develop the designs keeping them flexible enough to serve as an easily broken down 'package' that could be ordered by individual depots to suit their particular needs.

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