February 17, 2008

The Human Touch of Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to stand out from the crowd.
There's something nice about illustration in connection with advertising. Maybe it's because we all have fond childhood memories of afternoon cartoons on TV. Maybe it's just because illustrations are generally humorous, or it could be that illustration humanises a company in some way. On a more earthly level, it may be the organic nature of something created with a pen or brush (even if it is digitised later). The illustration below is by Stella Danalis.

Aside from all these nice feelings, illustrations can be a very valuable tool for advertisers. For a start, they really stand out. Not many people think immediately of illustration when designing a new campaign, preferring instead to look for photography. While photography can certainly create a warm and fuzzy feeling and is ideal for product shots, illustration can take things to a whole different level.

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